This is my Inspire Guide that helps clients visualize how to make different galleries for their walls at home. There are some great ideas in here and I am always available to help you with your
design process and getting those family portraits up on your walls!
I'm trying to offer some sort of promo every month this year whether it's a sale on a product or a photo special of some sort. I did run specials for January and February but didn't get them posted here. Guess what? March's promo is getting displayed right here right now. This accordian album promo runs March 1-15th, 2015. The promo is on the cute little accordian albums which are 2x3 inches and hold 12 different photos. They come in a 3 pack which are all identical. These make a great gift for mom and dad as well as grandma and grandpa. The gals can just pop these in their purse and whip them out at their next ladies lunch and show this great little number off to all their gal pals.
Oh me oh my oh! This poor blog is just like a lost little puppy wondering around out here in the internet world never getting any love from me anymore! With all the other social media venues, it's just so hard to keep up with it all. Aaaghhhhh! I did want to do a little update for anyone out there who might read this once in a blue moon. I did have some really cute Valentine shoots so wanted to post a few pics from that and send some love out.
Alot of you know that I offer some great Christmas cards every year but I also do more than just Christmas cards. I also make Valentine cards, senior graduation cards, Halloween & Thanksgiving and yes birth announcements, too! I had a client that missed getting out Christmas cards so she opted to send Valentine cards out this year and they turned out really cute so I wanted to share.