Here's another great senior shoot that I recently did. We had so much fun wandering around South Austin shooting in some unique places. Two of the places that I had just previewed a few weeks before baffled me though during the shoot. The first one was a food trailer that was purple which is Emma's school color and one of her favorite colors and when we pulled into the parking lot...GONE! I guess because it was a snow cone trailer and it's towards the end of the season they left. Then, I told them that it's ok b/c there's a public relations firm just down the road with a turquoise tire swing in their front yard and a great front porch on their house. We drove by the area a few times and...GONE! I mean the house was still there but the business/swing was gone soooooooooo we pulled into a mexican restaurant lot to make our next plan and Emma told me that she liked the colorful Mexican restaurant so we stayed there! It was a real adventure I tell ya! Emma and her mom had come prepared with some of their own ideas and I'm so glad b/c they were great! Emma brought her little black chalkboard with "Senior 2015" written on it which I thought was so cute and then they also brought a HUGE bag of 1/2 of the college mail packets that Emma has received over the last year and we spread them out on the lawn and photographed her on them. I LOVE THAT! How original! I couldn't believe all the mail she had and it wasn't even all of it. Here's the amazing and excellent Emma!
Two of my Saturdays in September were spent at baby birthday parties documenting the event for the families. I can't tell you how much this has warmed my heart to be around these tiny tots again. Being that my boy is 14 and all his friends are mainly in middle school, I don't have much time around little ones that much. I have laughed so hard at these parties watching the babies interact and doing their baby things that they do. It takes me right back to when my son was a baby and I have walked down memory lane quite a bit this past month. This party was a combined party for the brother "E" who just turned 4 years old and his baby sister "F" who just turned 1 and everything was just perfect from the decorations, to the food, to the waterslide to the smash cake. I got some really fun shots of both of them and I have to go ahead and comment on the dog that was there. I don't remember her name but she was a bit jealous that the kids were getting more attention than she was so she did everything in her power to be seen. She photo bombed "F" in the grass and then made her way over to the waterslide to participate there as well with "E". All I can say is...this dog's hysterical!
Here's the awesome little photos for "PARTY TIME!"