Here's another great senior shoot that I recently did. We had so much fun wandering around South Austin shooting in some unique places. Two of the places that I had just previewed a few weeks before baffled me though during the shoot. The first one was a food trailer that was purple which is Emma's school color and one of her favorite colors and when we pulled into the parking lot...GONE! I guess because it was a snow cone trailer and it's towards the end of the season they left. Then, I told them that it's ok b/c there's a public relations firm just down the road with a turquoise tire swing in their front yard and a great front porch on their house. We drove by the area a few times and...GONE! I mean the house was still there but the business/swing was gone soooooooooo we pulled into a mexican restaurant lot to make our next plan and Emma told me that she liked the colorful Mexican restaurant so we stayed there! It was a real adventure I tell ya! Emma and her mom had come prepared with some of their own ideas and I'm so glad b/c they were great! Emma brought her little black chalkboard with "Senior 2015" written on it which I thought was so cute and then they also brought a HUGE bag of 1/2 of the college mail packets that Emma has received over the last year and we spread them out on the lawn and photographed her on them. I LOVE THAT! How original! I couldn't believe all the mail she had and it wasn't even all of it. Here's the amazing and excellent Emma!
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