November 10, 2010

5x7 FOLDED White (and black) Christmas Cards

Along with my fun and colorful Christmas cards, I thought I'd offer some "pretty" Christmas cards for a variety. These are 5x7 folded cards printed on linen or glossy cardstock. These designs are pretty swanky but you can have alot of fun with all the differnt layouts that are being offered. The 5x7 folded cards are sold only in sets of 25 cards and are priced at $80/25 cards.
Style 1 front of card
Style 1 inside of card
Style 1 back of card
Style2 front of card
Style 2 inside of card
Style 2 back of card
Style 3 front of card
Style 3 inside of card
Style 3 back of card
Style 4 front of card
Style 4 inside of card
Style 4 back of card
Style 5 Front of card
Style 5 Inside of card
Style 5 Back of card

5x7 Hello Holiday Card Collection

Here are my Hello Holidays 5x7 flat 2-sided Christmas cards. They can be printed on linen, glossy or pearl cardstock. There is a minimum order of 25 cards. Pricing is as follows:
Minimum order of 25 cards $1.85 each,
26-60 cards $1.80 each
61-125 cards $1.75 each
126-225 cards $1.65 each

Large Quantity Reprints for Holiday Cards Pricing is as follows:
Minimum order of 50-4x6 prints of same photo $1.00 each,
51-100 4x6's $.95 each
101+ $.90 each.

Here's a closer view of the Hello Holidays Christmas cards that I'm offering. Check them out! They're really colorful, cheery and bright...just how I feel about Christmas. They can be customized with your family's name on them, as well.
front of card
back of card

5x5 Christmas Trifold Cards...more new designs to post soon!

Ok, I have to admit these are pretty darn cool. They are square 5x5 trifold cards printed on cardstock. They allow you to use a few different photos making it a great way to showcase your cute kids. The relatives will just love these! Yeah! The top section shows the front, back and inside flap of the card and the bottom section shows the inside spread.
These are sold in increments of 25 cards, includes envelopes and retail $80/25.

Oldies But Goodies Christmas Cards

Here are more of my colorful Christmas cards...these are flat 5x7 one sided cards printed on photographic paper. There is a minimum order of 25 cards. Pricing is as follows:
Minimum order of 25 cards $1.50 each,
26-60 cards $1.45 each
61-125 cards $1.40 each
126-225 cards $1.35 each

November 9, 2010

Tea for Two?

I photographed this family a few weeks ago and we decided a tea party in the whispy, whimsical grass would be super cute. Thank goodness we did it when we did b/c as I'm out in the field photographing this family a big tractor is buzzing by mowing my whispy grass down. HMPH! The good news is I have lots of great mini sessions to share in the golden grass but for now I couldn't pass up sharing this shoot. Tea for two anyone?

November 4, 2010

Look How Cute...

Some of you know that I grew up in a small town in Missouri but for those of you who don't take a look at this cute email my step mom just sent me...NOW THIS IS COUNTRY! I never posted my pics from this past summer at "the cabin" so let me pull a few pics here for you to enjoy! I've learned to appreciate my roots and upbringing and now I just sit back and laugh at my old man. :) My sister's still working on it! Ha!

Email from step mom:
Just wanted to let you know that your Dad & I are heading down to the cabin Sunday or Monday November 7/8 and will not be home until the weekend after Thanksgiving. Deer season starts on the 13th and lasts till 23rd.... Your Dad is going to collect deer hides from the guys down there for the Elks National Veterans Service Commission. The Elks pay to have them tanned and sent through-out the VA Health Care System for recreational & occupational therapy. I made up flyers to put around Cedar Creek. It's going to be interesting to see how many is donated. We are going to set up some kind of drop off box at the entrance on "OO" so the guys can just roll up & put the hides in plastic bags. Your Dad is going to check it daily & put the hides in the freezer out back of the cabin.... At least that's our plan for now.... All of our Love xxxooo Dad & Julie


You haven't experienced life until you've been "juggin'" to catch fish. My Dad loves to go out about sunset and throw 17 jugs (not 16 or 18 but 17) in different coves and then we get up at the crack of dawn the next morning and "run the jugs". That means we have to go and find them b/c some will have a big fish on them and swim half way across the lake. As you can see in the pics we caught a huge gar which had done just that. My Dad doesn't like those gars b/c they eat their weight in fish daily so when he catches one then he has to cut their beak's quite the ordeal. We ended up catching a big catfish though and had ourselves a yummy fish fry that night. In case you're wondering, yes my Dad's nickname is Boar. He's as crazy as a wild boar hence the name. :)

October 27, 2010

Need A Laugh?

My hairdresser's over at my house and he always turns me on to funny stuff on the internet...some I can pass along and some I can't. Check out this funny little video...I totally cracked up watching this! Shake it like it's hot! Ha! :)