April 11, 2009

LeRoy's Roundhouse

Every once in a while I have LeRoy do some of his old karate moves and my very, very favorite is when he tries to do a "roundhouse". I had no idea what this move was the first time he was going to show me but once I saw him try and do this move I nearly peed my pants. When I need a good laugh, I beg him to show me some karate moves. It gets me laughing everytime...I hope you enjoy this video while it's up b/c once he realizes I've posted it on my blog I know it's coming down. Ha! By the way, Sloan was not injured in the filming of this video however LeRoy on the other hand may have pulled a muscle or two.

April 8, 2009

New Product=Personalized Collage

I made this collage to decorate my own house and then I've had a few people see it and want one, too. I've added this product into my new pricing guide for 2009. It's an 8x12 print collaged with a few photos, personalized then mounted to gatorboard.
They fit perfectly on a tiny easel and decorate any shelf or table beautifully. This collage is priced at $55.

April 1, 2009

The Amazing Armstrongs

I had the pleasure of meeting Angie through our old neighborhood Bunco group. That's right people we had one CRAZY bunco group...once a month, 16 cooped up momma's got together and cut loose. We even had the cops show up one night b/c we were too loud inside the house!!! The best part to that story was that when the cops showed up to the house Stacy (the host) thought her husband had hired strippers to come over so she didn't believe him when he first came to the door and told us we needed to hold it down. Ha! Anyway to make a long story longer that is where I met Angie. She has the sweetest family and they love to have fun...aren't her kids the cutest ever?

March 31, 2009

Cole's 1st Birthday Slideshow

Here's the slideshow I put together from Cole's 1st birthday. We actually took the photos on his birthday so I thought the song was so appropo...enjoy!

March 26, 2009

New Product=Rockstar Album

I have a new product that I'm offering to my clients...The Rockstar Album. WOOHOO! It's a 5x5 beautifully styled album with fabric covers on the front & back. The photos are bordered with a bit of flair and then mounted to a white base page in the album. There are 58 fabrics to choose from including fine silk brocades, faux suedes, leather & hot contemporary colors. This is one hot little number you won't want to miss out on! It's small yet stylish and would look great displayed on a shelf or living room table at all times. The display album in the photos below has the "Hollywood Orange" textured fabric. The 10 leaves (20 sides)album is priced at $125 and the 15 leaves (30 sides) is priced at $150.