March 1, 2016


One of my favorite products that I offer AND one of my client's favorite products that I offer is metal prints. I have brushed metal prints, glossy metal prints, wavy metal prints and story metal prints. You name it in metal and I've got it! Wwwwwweeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll, starting March 16th-March 30th you can get your metal prints for 25% off from Brandi Nellis Photography. It doesn't get any better than that! If you've been waiting to get that awesome piece of art work for your walls, now is the time! The sample you see below is a 16x20 story metal print with 2-5x7 smaller metal prints adhered to the 16x20. There are over 60 different story metal combinations that I have to offer. Let me help you design your piece.

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