March 29, 2016

Happy Easter!

Here's a few pics from our Easter celebration. The teenage boys are droopy dogs and too cool for the egg hunt anymore but then we've got Miss A who is 8 years old and is more competitive now than ever. It's funny you can see her ripping past the boys in the pics with her hair flying behind her trying to get more eggs than anyone else. My son was motivated at his early morning egg hunt at our house where the Easter bunny hid only one "Golden Egg" and it was not easy to find. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday and feel as blessed as I do that Jesus died for our sins. Hallejuiah!

I call this one Happy! Happy! Happy!
This one is titled "Ecstatic"

And She's Off to The Races!
Look Out Sloan! She's On The Move!
No! That One's Mine!
Cute Cousins!

Where's My Egg?

This One Makes My Heart Smile!
Plum Tuckered Out!

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